Woo it's been a busy week! I have so much going on between school and my two jobs I can hardly even think about coming up with new recipes. Thankfully I've got some of my old faves to catch you all up on! One of my most favorite "cheat" meals has got to be chicken strips & french fries. Preferably deep friends, and preferably from Whataburger, but hey, we can't win 'em all. Whataburger chicken strip meals not only cost you like $9, but they're also loaded in useless calories! So I challenged myself a long time ago to come up with something comparable to my fave Whataburger treat, but half the calories and double the micronutrient content, and here's what I've come up with... I even served it on paper plates... Okay, maybe that's cause I'm lazy ;)
Baked Crusted Chicken Strips w/ Roasted New & Sweet Potatoes, and Grilled Asparagus (gotta have something green, of course)
Roasted Potatoes: Serves 2
3 new potatoes
1 large sweet potato
2 tbsp. olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
2 pinches garlic powder
2 pinches onion powder
2 pinches paprika
1 tbsp. parsley
1/4 c. Parmesan cheese
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2. Slice potatoes into cubes or shape of your desire
3. Soak in cold water for 5 minutes and drain (this removes excess starch from the potatoes!)
4. Dry potatoes using paper towels
5. In a small bowl mix all herbs and spices
6. Coat potatoes in olive oil and herb/spice mix
7. Places on greased baking sheet
8. Bake for 15 min, flip
9. Repear 2X (for total of 45 min baking time)
10. You can leave them for longer if you want them crispier :)
Chicken Strips: Serves 2
1 lb. chicken tenderloins or breasts (just slice em into "fingers")
2 tbsp. whole wheat flour
3/4 c. panko bread crumbs (a much lighter version of the breadcrumb)
1 egg
2 egg white
1 garlic clove (minced) or frozen garlic cube
1 tbsp. parsley
1/4 tsp. paprika
pinch of red pepper (cayenne)
salt & pepper to taste
oil spray (like Pam)
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (should already be there)
2. Grease a baking sheet
3. Prepare your raw chicken into "strips" and dry using paper towels
4. Prepare coating materials in 3 bowls:
Bowl 1: Whole wheat flour plus salt, pepper (both kinds), paprika (stir together)
Bowl 2: Egg and garlic (whisk)
Bowl 3: Panko, parsley (stir together)
5. Dip chicken into bowls consecutively, thoroughly coating with each mixture and lay on greased sheet
6. If you have some of the egg and panko mix left, you can dip strips again for more of a crunchy coat!
7. Bake for 15 min. flip and bake for 10 more.
8. Always check internal temp. of chicken and make sure it gets up to 165 degrees before consuming
9. Let strips rest 3-5 min before eating :)
Grilled Asparagus (I know this recipe is located in the earlier posts of the blog, but it's still my very favorite and most simple way to make asparagus I know. Thanks Mason for showing me this so long ago).
Olive oil
1. Heat up your George Foreman or you can pop these babies in the oven too
2. Trim and wash asparagus
3. Place in a row on sheet of foil
4. Coat in olive oil, salt and pepper to taste
5. Wrap using another sheet of foil on top
6. Put on the Foreman for 6 min, flip, 6 more min.
or pop in the oven for 20 min
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