Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Broiled Pesto Salmon with Veggie Pasta

     First off, I would like to congratulate Mason and myself for eating dinner before 9 pm for once!!! It's amazing! Secondly, I would like to dedicate this post to my aunt Caroline and cousins Elizabeth and Zach for gifting me such AWESOME cooking ingredients. Seriously, y'all, you have no idea how excited I am! Thank you!!! Check it out...
So these are infused extra virgin olive oils
...and these are the awesome flavors
Wild Mushroom Sage
Cilantro and Roasted Onion
and they make like 20 other different kinds
They also got me this amazing home made pasta
Spinach Basil and Garlic Linguine
This pasta is 100% vegan and the ingredients are incredibly straight up
100% whole durum wheat, spinach, fresh garlic, dried basil, & freshly ground black pepper
Contact me if you're interested in where to find these ingredients :)

Onto the good stuff...
     We all know how much I love pesto and I think we all can agree that the pesto pasta I made was pretty much the most amazing dish ever... but I think this is better. If you are a salmon lover this dish is for you. This is probably the best salmon recipe I've ever had. So here we go....

*serves 4

-1 lb. fresh salmon
-1 lemon
-1 tub Butolli prepared pesto
-cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to low broil
2. Using foil on a baking sheet, create a little tin "pool" for your salmon
3. Grease this :)
4. Place salmon skin side down on the pan and squeeze whole lemon over the top
5. Let sit for 15 minutes
6. Spread a thick layer of pesto over the top of the salmon
7. Broil for 12 minutes or until fish is flakey and the flesh is opaque

    For the veggie pasta I just sauteed a bunch of beautiful fresh veggies in a little of my infused olive oil (I used the cilantro onion one!), threw in a little salt and pepper and added my boiled pasta. I sprinkled some grated Parmesan cheese over the top for a little extra somethin'!
     Okay I'm going to go into a clean food coma now. Love y'all!


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